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We understand the challenges of marketing for law firms.

As a law firm, you face many challenges in the modern business world. Not only do you have to contend with fierce competition, but you must also differentiate yourself in a crowded and noisy marketplace. Potential clients have many options to choose from, and they are bombarded with advertising messages from all directions. To make matters worse, the legal industry is highly regulated, making it difficult to know how to market your services effectively.

Fortunately, Screenfire Media is here to help. We specialize in marketing for law firms, and we have the expertise and experience to create a brand and a marketing strategy that will set you apart from the competition and attract qualified leads to your firm.

Challenges for Law Firms

Our great legal writing team lifts the law firm’s brand

Often, with other marketing firms, their strategy is to shotgun content, using AI, inexpert writers, and as little back-and-forth as possible, to limit their costs. This can drag down a law firm’s brand, hurting your trustworthiness in the eyes of your clients.

Meanwhile, the biggest search engines, like Google, are looking for authoritative content of the highest quality.

Our team of legal writing experts has a deep understanding of the legal industry and can write compelling content that resonates with potential clients. They create content that is informative, persuasive, and engaging while being compliant with industry regulations. This strategy and dedication brings new life to the story around your firm, and makes new or current clients look at your firm with new eyes.

Our team crafts websites that bring law firms into the modern era of great client experiences.

Too often, law firm websites are static and uninviting, causing potential clients to leave and seek out competitors. Stuck in older website styles or built without a clear strategy, your site may deliver a lousy client journey or customer experience. Clients then come to you without good information, unable to ask good questions.

We take a dynamic approach to website design, development, and long-term maintenance, creating sites that feel sleek, professional, and user-friendly. Our lead website designer and art team have a proven track record of delivering websites that are optimized for mobile devices: a critical need in a world where law firm websites typically see 85% of their traffic coming on mobile.

We also bring a high level of creativity and experience to the table, thanks to our Creative Director and team that have developed brand communications for some of the world’s most recognized companies. We take a holistic approach to website design, ensuring that every aspect of the site is optimized to provide an exceptional client journey, from the initial landing page to the final call-to-action. With our expertise, we can help your law firm stand out in a crowded marketplace and attract the clients you need to thrive.

Our content marketing matches your legal expertise with full collaboration.

Our law firm marketing team includes writers, designers, and videographers who create compelling content that engages potential clients. We create a variety of content types, from blogs, articles, infographics, to YouTube videos.

In fact, maybe you need an optimized YouTube channel of your very own to feature your attorneys and their insights! We have a great track record helping firms launch, promote, and maintain winning YouTube channels. In one recent effort, we increased subscribers for a law firm’s YouTube channel by over 2000% over two years.

When creating content, we always engage full collaboration with you and experts on your law firm’s team. Our standing policy is to always have a top lawyer at the firm review the text we create for websites, emails, and social media. This ensures that your firm’s messaging is accurate, professional, and impactful.

We want to take the time to understand your industry and field so we can put out authoritative content for you.

Law firm collaboration

Our digital marketing services optimize to get conversions and qualified leads.

Led by Digital Marketing Director Max Porter, our digital marketing services are designed to drive traffic and generate leads for your firm. We create custom digital marketing strategies that include search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, and email marketing. Our weekly optimizations ensure that your campaigns are performing at their best, generating qualified leads for your firm.

Over years of Search Engine Marketing (SEM), our backend PPC team of 110+ PPC marketing specialists has managed 8000+ advertiser accounts and 100M+ in media spend on Microsoft, Facebook, and Google platforms.

We offer a unique real-time dashboard to track the activity and effectiveness of your digital advertising, down to every click, form submission, and phone call–along with every penny spent! This allows us to work closely with you to optimize your spend for maximum conversions and brand engagement.

Capture qualified leads

Our SEO Warfare helps you compete with other firms in your space.

We use search engine optimization (SEO) tactics to improve your firm’s visibility on search engines like Google. Our SEO experts use a combination of on-page and off-page optimization techniques to ensure that your firm’s website ranks high for relevant search terms.

We deliver comprehensive digital warfare with a backend delivery team of 40+ highly-skilled SEO warriors working daily with hundreds of websites to analyze and implement SEO analysis, backlink creation, Google goal optimization, coordination with Digital Marketing and SEM, along with all the other complex components of an effective online strategy.

SEO warfare for lawyers

We offer special expertise for estate planning practices.

Screenfire Media has a special expertise in marketing estate planning law firms and we understand the unique challenges they face in the marketplace. Among those challenges–explaining how asset protection, tax planning, and things like charitable trusts can offer advantages during one’s one lifetime, as well as creating a legacy for generations to come. We bring years of hands-on experience in estate law and a wide array of specialized tools to help you:

  • Effectively define your target demographics. We know the needs are very different at different levels of income.
  • Hone your distinct service offerings and effectively communicate your expertise to your target audience.
  • Build relationships with potential clients before they even contact you.
  • Establish co-marketing with CPAs, wealth planners, and others.
  • Effectively compete with other estate planning firms, and define the relationship of your estate practice to your other practice areas.
  • Increase visibility through organic search and a crafted online presence.
  • Leverage your firm’s unique strengths and tell your team’s story.
  • Identify and implement branding opportunities and improvements to drive client engagement.

Learn more about our marketing for estate planning practices.


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Contact us to learn more about how our comprehensive marketing services can help your law firm stand out in a crowded market and generate qualified leads.